Category: Basement Remodeling
Feeling Cramped? 4 Home Improvement Solutions That Work
As your family grows, the walls of your Sussex area home may seem like they’re closing in, and your once cozy space suddenly feels like a tight squeeze. In a tough real estate market with rising housing prices, moving to a new home may be just out of reach, and you may feel like there […]
3 Home Additions That Can Skyrocket Your Property Value
Do you want to add value to your Sussex, NJ, home while expanding your living space? It is possible. Whether you want indoor or outdoor additions or something in between, Tom Madsen LLC can help transform your home, making it more valuable and practical for day-to-day use. Here are three home additions that have the […]
How to Design a Bright and Beautiful Basement
Do you feel as though your family might be outgrowing your current home? Are you looking for ways to add extra space for a children’s playroom, teenager’s bedroom, or even a home theater? You don’t need to move — you’re standing over a gold mine of square footage! Basement finishing offers plenty of extra space […]
Is Your House Feeling Small?
COVID-19 has disrupted life for everyone across the country. In New Jersey, citizens are staying at home and we would understand if you’re starting to feel a little boxed in. There’s nothing like a quarantine to make you realize how small your home actually is, and perhaps give you the itch to expand. Our team […]
Tips for Finishing Your Basement
Is your home perfect for your family in almost every way? You’ve formed memories there, you love your location and your neighbors, and your kids love their rooms, but something is missing. That something might be located beneath your feet right now in the form of your unfinished basement. If you love your family home […]
Expand Your Square Footage This Spring
Are you aching for more space in your New Jersey home? Perhaps after a long winter, you’re feeling a little boxed in. Well, the good news is that with a little help from our contractors at Tom Madsen LLC, all your too-small home woes can be solved.
Top 3 Ways to Utilize Your Finished Basement
Finishing your basement can expand your square footage fast. However, you want to be judicious about how you use that space. Each homeowner’s needs are a little different, but at Tom Madsen LLC, we find that you just cannot go wrong with these three uses of your finished basement.
Expand Your Space with Basement Remodeling
You’ve reached your limit when it comes to your home’s square footage. You are having a hard time finding space for you, your family, and all your things, but the idea of moving is cumbersome. You’ve accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. Plus, you really love your New Jersey home and neighbors.Moving just […]