Important Considerations when Adding a Porch to Your Home
As the weather warms up, everyone likes to spend more time outside getting some fresh air. If your home doesn’t have adequate outdoor space, you might consider adding on a porch. However, you don’t want to jump into a project and realize you’re in way over your head. There are a series of things to consider before deciding specifics about the porch addition to your home.
Questions to Ask
HGTV has compiled a list of relevant questions to consider when adding a porch to your home.
- How do you want to use the porch? If you want to dine and entertain on your porch, you’ll need a much larger porch than someone who just wants a few rocking chairs to watch the sun rise or set each day.
- When do you want to use your porch? Being in New Jersey, we know it can get pretty cold. If you want to use this porch for more than just summer, consider adding a fireplace for use in the fall.
- Is your porch user-friendly? Consider how you’ll enter the porch from your home. The porch should be easily accessible, possibly by using large patio or French doors.
- Do you want a porch made for entertaining? Think about who will enjoy this space with you in the future. There will be a difference in the construction of a porch for dining, for lounging, or for both.
- Do you know how you want your porch to look? Check out other porches in your neighborhood and see what you like. Surf the web, or maybe Pinterest, for some ideas. Draw out your ideas to help you better explain to a professional home improvement contractor exactly what you want.